Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

What Is J.O.Y.?

I thought I would share what prompted me to name my ministry Simply J.O.Y. 

Like many people, each year I pray for a guiding word from the Lord. An area to work on and in which to grow.  In 2022, it was joy.  But a day or two after God gave me joy, He provided clarification.  “Rhonda, not just joy, but simple joy.”  You see, I tend to overcomplicate things. So, God, in His infinite wisdom and with His sense of humor, made sure I knew that the real joy He wanted me to pursue wasn’t complicated, unless I made it so. 

As you can see, J.O.Y. is an acronym.  As I prayed about this “simple joy,” God revealed a little more: J.O.Y. for me (and I suspect for many of us) is achieved by placing Jesus Over You.  Jesus over your desires. Jesus over your control.  Jesus over your worries.  Jesus over everything.  It is quite simple.  Put Jesus first in everything and true joy will follow.   

I love word studies because how words are used in the Bible matter.  When studying Joy, the New Testament Greek word used is chara; a noun describing a feeling of inner gladness or rejoicing.   It is virtually always used in the New Testament to signify a feeling of happiness that is based on spiritual realities not what is happening in the world or our situation or circumstances.  Joy is an inner gladness.  It is God’s gift to believers and is part of God’s very essence.  Joy is the deep-down sense of well-being that abides in the heart of the person that knows all is well between him/herself and the Lord.  ( 

So that brings us to the here and now.  This ministry is born of a personal commitment to live in J.O.Y.  Not just to be happy (that’s situational). But to experience the fullness of J.O.Y. that God desires for each of His children.  It is a simple concept.  But not easy to implement.  It requires a reckless abandon; thrusting yourself into the arms of Jesus when all you want to do is hold on to the familiar.  It is rejoicing in the trials.  It is trusting in the truth of Jesus and the promises of God when the world bombards you with false comfort or the enemy pours lies into your heart, mind, and soul.   

I have adopted John 15:11 as my guiding verse:  “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”  Chapter 15 of John occurs after the Last Supper.  Jesus is continuing to prepare his disciples for His departure.  He is reminding them He is with them always; He is part of them.  And in Him, they are complete. 

J.O.Y. is a choice.  It is a moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour, day-by-day choice.  So, let’s go!  Let’s walk this journey together.  Let’s pursue the simple J.O.Y. given to us by the reckless, over-the-top love and sacrifice of our Father.

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