Heavenly Father, we love you. We are in awe of your handiwork as you create beautiful seasons. Your artistry is evident in the splendor of flowers, the changing of leaves, the blankets of snow. Each has their purpose. In our winter seasons, Lord, when it feels cold and we don’t feel hopeful, let us be quiet in the waiting. Let us trust that You are doing a mighty work in us and through us. Let us be grateful for the opportunity to grow and be used for Your Glory. Let us not focus on the challenge but the opportunity. Let us feel You and see You behind the clouds of sadness or anxiety or stress. Let us never forget that the sun is always shining. That clouds will move revealing the bright blue sky and the sun’s warmth will once again touch us. In the cold, let us wrap ourselves in the warmth of Your Word and Your love. Let us remember it is okay to cry out to you. Your shoulder is big enough. Your arms wide enough. Your heart full with love for us. Let us know, with certainty, that you are faithful and that our spring is coming. Let us remain quiet in the waiting, trusting You to work in us. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Quiet in the Waiting