Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Leaving the Labels Behind

Heavenly Father, I am so quick to judge myself when I sin. I make the same mistakes over and over again. Even when I have asked for forgiveness and received Your Grace, I sin again. In the same way! I sometimes wonder why you haven’t given up on me. I’ve given up on myself more times than I can count. I feel like a bad Christian when I trip over the same sinful rocks that I thought were in my past. Please continue to help me grow in You and be aware of satan’s lies and traps before I fall into them. Close my ears to the shouting of the enemy who tells me I am unworthy of your love and that I can’t possible be used by you for I am too flawed. Rain your agape love on me and cleanse my heart, my mind, and my soul. Fortify me with the power of Holy Spirit to wake each day with a renewed commitment to serve you, despite the sins I will inevitably commit. Let me return to my knees as often as needed so that I can be ready to tell others about your reckless love! In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.

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