We want and need to pray. But sometimes, the words seem to escape us. I hope these prayers will give you a starting point. They may hit the mark, or you may need to tweek them a little or a lot. But these words God placed on my heart are yours to embrace. And remember, when your heart can’t speak, ask Holy Spirit to intervene. He knows what you need! He is a heart and mind reader.
Reveal Your Treasure
Heavenly Father, Your Word is filled with truth and treasure. Give me a hunger to go beyond reading scripture to studying it. Ignite in me …
Thank you For The Best Gift Ever!
God there are not words adequate to thank you for the gift of Jesus. For the sacrifice you made to give your Son to an …
Do I see What You See?
Lord, too often I see what the world sees. Not what you see. You created me in your image. Help me to honor your creation …