Meet Rhonda

Thanks for stopping by!
I’m grateful you’re here and I know you aren’t here by accident. I pray God blesses you through the words He gives me and the prayers He puts on my heart. It’s important for you to know that I give all glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am humbled to have a platform to share what He places on my heart.
Now, about me. I am first and foremost a daughter of God. I am wife to my incredibly patient, talented, and hilarious husband Jason. We have a daughter, Delaney, who is a college freshman. A lot of my writing lately has centered on that transition from full-time mama to the mom of a young adult. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been a tremendous season of growth and for that, I am grateful.
We live in rural Pennsylvania with our two dogs, Ronan and Jax. Our home is nestled among ridges and woods. I love sitting on the deck when the weather is warm reading my devotionals. I am often joined by deer in the fields. My walks meander along country roads where the view changes based on season and the fields go from one crop to the next. It is quiet. It is peaceful. And it is my inspiration. God often speaks to me through nature.
I’ve been writing since I was a child. I journal. I’ve written poetry. I even published a business book. But I had always been afraid to follow the call on my heart to write for Jesus. I felt I wasn’t good enough. Why would anyone want to read what I wrote? But when Jesus wants you to do something, He is relentless. After many nudges from many places, I find myself here.
So in obedience, I step out in faith. And I trust God to use me. I hope you are blessed and you find a personal, loving, reckless, amazing relationship with the One who is, was and will always be.
God Bless,