Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Spring Forward

Last week I shared what I planned to leave behind in 2021. As promised, this week I am sharing the commitments I made to myself for 2022. 

 In Pennsylvania, we observe daylight savings time. That means that every March, we “spring forward” an hour. That’s a euphemism for we lose an hour of sleep but gain an hour of daylight! It can be an adjustment that first night when 2 AM, suddenly becomes 3 AM.

However, it is all about perspective. We can bemoan the loss of an hour’s sleep for one night, or we can celebrate the additional light for months to come.  According to the Strong Concordance, light is referenced 272 times in the King James Bible.   It is often used when referring to Jesus, “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  

It is used to remind us of the privilege and responsibility we have as followers of Christ.  “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

Light is transformational.  It allows us to see things clearly and notice things we might overlook.  Light reveals the hidden.  In 2022, I commit to “spring forward” by shining light on those areas of my life that need transformed.  In all likelihood, you have areas that might benefit from a little light. I hope my commitments inspire you to honor yourself in 2022 and place Jesus Over You.

1.      I commit to love myself.   

2.      I commit to see myself with compassion and stop judging whether I am good enough or doing something right or the way everyone expects.

3.      I commit to care what Jesus thinks and to live for Him each day.  For if I live for Jesus, my actions should be a light.    Worldly opinions carry no weight in Jesus’ eternity.

4.      I commit to honestly evaluate relationships in my life and release those that are toxic or induce stress or anxiety.  I release myself from any guilt that the enemy may impose.  For he will battle to keep negativity in my life; but my God gives me the power to trample the enemy.  

5.      I commit to forgive people who have hurt me and hurt those I love.  It isn’t easy for me to let go of anger and resentment.  I want to experience the peace the comes from forgiveness.  I pray God brings to my heart those whom I need to forgive and gives me the strength and courage to truly let go.  Let me remember that forgiveness does not release others from accountability or responsibility.  It releases my hear to love more deeply and be used by Jesus for His glory and purpose.

6.      I commit to seek Joy.  To choose Joy.  To be joyful despite circumstances or situations.  I understand that being joyful doesn’t mean being irresponsible, lazy, complacent, or complicit.  It doesn’t minimize difficult times or seasons of challenge.  But rather, it allows me to walk through those times with grace and the assurance that my Savior walks before me and all will be used by Him for good.

7.      I commit to seek truth in my life and my personal growth.  I promise to be honest even when embarrassing.  I promise to value myself enough to do the hard work. 

8.      I commit to being less judgmental and to see people and situations through Jesus’ eyes, with compassion and grace. 

In 2022, I recommit my heart and mind to Jesus.  I pray my eyes and ears will be opened to see what He has planned for me.  I will step out in courage and obedience.  I give myself permission to stumble and fall knowing that His hand is ready to help me up.

I commit to these things because I am worthy.  I am loved.  I am a daughter of God. And with Him, all things are possible.

What commitments do you make to yourself for 2022?  Seek God’s wisdom to reveal to you how you should spring forward this year as you strive to place Jesus Over You.

1 thought on “Spring Forward”

  1. Commitment to self and God seems to be both the theme and solution effecting all situations and relationships. I could easily relate to many of your points and appreciate so much your transparency.

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