Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

The Power of Gifts

My company’s Annual dinner was Monday.  I am responsible for this event from sponsorships to nametags.  It’s a big undertaking.  And while it takes months to plan, anyone who plans events knows there are always changes at the last minute and things that don’t go according to plan.  The keys to a successful event are organization, flexibility, leadership, and good interpersonal skills.  And perhaps the ability to overcome the desire to smack someone who adds three people to the registration list just hours before the event.  

Lucky for me, God has equipped me with spiritual gifts of organization, leadership, and hospitality.  And He used each of these gifts to contribute to a successful Annual Dinner.  How do I know what my spiritual gifts are?   ye I was privileged to lead a class on spiritual gifts which included a spiritual gifts assessment.  For some of us, the assessment reaffirmed what we already knew.  Others were surprised to learn that they were gifted in an area they hadn’t considered or didn’t connect with behaviors that came naturally to them.  Typically, you’ll recognize your gifts because when God is using them, you are fulfilled and happy.  You feel in your element.  

Paul talks about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.  He is writing this letter to the Corinthians to correct a division they created.  They wrongly thought some of the spiritual gifts were superior to others and that others were less important.  As a result, there was a perception that some people’s contributions were less significant or meaningful.

“4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.”

Everyone has a role to play in God’s kingdom.  Everyone is equally important to God’s plan.  There are no degrees of gifting.  The gift of teaching is not better than the gift of prophesy.  The gift of organization is not less meaningful than the gift of service.  When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are given the gifts God has chosen for us.  He selects the specific gifts that He knows will allow us to contribute to the Kingdom of God in the most meaningful way.  How cool is that?!

What’s even cooler is seeing that in action.  I am responsible for the Annual Dinner, but the Annual Dinner was a success because my boss picked up awards, brought banners and supplies from the office, used his spiritual gift of hospitality to welcome our members and guests and supported me.  My friend used her gifts of organization and hospitality to help me staff the registration table.  The hotel’s event manager used her gifts to ensure the logistics were taken care of.  The event staff used their gifts of hospitality and organization to give us a beautiful set up and served us a meal that the chef’s used their gifts to prepare.  The cleaning staff used their gifts to ensure the room was spotless.  Our speakers used their gifts of teaching to educate and make us laugh.  

It took a community of people, using their individual gifts, to deliver an amazing event.  An event that allowed our guests to network, relax, be cared for, and feel appreciated.  A night where everyone got to share Jesus – through their God-given gifts.  And everyone’s role was equally important to achieve the desired result.  None greater.  None lesser.

We are not called to walk this journey alone.  We are not expected to do it all (even if we think we can).  We are in this together.  To achieve God’s plan for our life and the greater plan for humanity, we must put aside ego, pride, stubbornness, and arrogance.  We must see others through the eyes of Jesus.  We must look for their gifts and find ways to partner.  We must remember that every gifting is a critical thread in the beautiful tapestry God is weaving. And every thread a person created in God’s image. 

The value of our lives is in what we do with our giftings from God.  It is not in the money we make, our worldly influence, or the titles behind our names.  For the only title of any worth, is child of God.  May we honor that.


If you are interested in a spiritual gift assessment, there are many available.  Check with your local church.  Here is a link to a free assessment on    Be sure to also review the Spiritual Gifts List on this same page.  It will provide you with an explanation of each gift in Biblical terms.  Always go to God in prayer for understanding and ask Him to reveal your gifts and show you how to best use them for His glory.

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