I’m a sundress kinda gal. With the heat and humidity of PA summers, I feel most comfortable in a dress. A few weeks ago, I wore a knee-length sundress to church. As we stood, getting ready for worship, I felt something brushing against my leg. I reached down to see what it was but couldn’t find anything. When I stood tall, I felt it again. Over and over this scenario repeated. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows that worship is one of my favorite parts of our service. It is where I often hear God most clearly. But this morning, the only thing my brain was focused on was the distraction.
When worship ended and we sat down, I was able to reach under my hem to find the culprit – a string. I carefully ripped it off and I heard the Lord say, “Strings are the enemy’s diversion.”
I Peter 5:8 warns us, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” The word “vigilant” comes from the Greek word gregoreo, which means to be on your guard, to be watchful, or to be attentive. This word primarily means the watchful attitude of one who is on the lookout to make certain no enemy or aggressor can successfully gain entry into his life or place of residence. Gregoreo is a verb requiring us to take action.
And just as important, the Greek tense for the word “vigilant” means to be continually, perpetually vigilant. This isn’t a one-time act of vigilance, but an unwavering commitment to be watchful, wide awake, and on the lookout. Even for something as small as a string.
We often have an image of satan boldly charging at full speed, ambushing us with urgency. The truth is, satan is patient. He is like the lion who stalks its prey, hiding and waiting for a moment of vulnerability. He knows that even the smallest distractions can take our focus from God, causing us to miss His quiet whisper.
It’s important to understand our enemy. The Bible tells us that he was named Lucifer “star of the morning.” He held a high-ranking position in the angelic host and is described as having exquisite beauty and great wisdom. As such, he was given a position of great power and influence and called “the guardian cherub.” (Ezekiel 28:12-17). Modern images of satan display a monster; a creature easy to fear and identify as evil. Yet the image in the Bible tells us the enemy is smart, cunning, and beautiful. And therein lies the problem.
While we are looking for a monster, this fallen angel is pulling our strings. Hidden behind the accepted norms of the natural world. Cloaked in seemingly innocuous activities. Walking among us. Waiting. For just the right moment. Just the right opportunity. To take captive your focus and devour your potential to serve God.
The enemy is the master at pulling our strings. Whether it be a literal string on a sundress that takes my focus from worship, or the strings of social media, work, tasks, entertainment…pick your distraction. Make no mistake, satan knows your weaknesses and exploits them for his destruction. Do you struggle with control? He will distract you with plans and lists so that your focus is on what you can do, not what God can do. Do you struggle with social media? He will distract you with posts, reels and videos normalizing worldly images so that you don’t pursue Heavenly promises. Do you struggle with entertainment that spews messages that contradict the Word of God and numb your mind? He will make you lazy so that you choose the ease television over the study of God’s Word.
But there is good news! The news of Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life that we may live in the power and authority of Holy Spirit. God has equipped each of us to stand against the enemy. We are already victorious. The enemy was defeated when Christ breathed His last breath. The only power satan has is that which we give him. Praise God!
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3–5).
We are not created to be victims. We are created in victory. Remain vigilant. Declare the power you have over the enemy. Bind the lies. Challenge the norms of this world. Claim your place in the Kingdom of God.
Temptation is inevitable. Distraction is a choice.
And strings, are just strings.