Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

They. Them. Someone.

“They should say something.”

“It’s not my place, it’s up to them to handle.”

“Someone should do something.”

Isn’t it funny how often we find ourselves muttering these words or something similar.  Maybe we are outraged by the behavior of our elected officials.  Maybe we are frustrated by the direction of our schools.  Perhaps we are worried that our church is focused more on entertainment than the gospel.  Perhaps we feel someone has been mistreated.  And we wonder where they are.  What happened to them?  When is someone showing up?  

For several months, we have been reading the Book of Acts in Church.  And even though I’ve read Acts many times, I love how God is revealing new insights.  Some of it comes through the anointing of my Pastor and what Holy Spirit places on his heart; and some is a result my continued growth as a Christian and a heart open to hear. 

Acts was written in Greek, presumably by Luke.  The Gospel According to Luke concludes where Acts begins, namely, with Christ’s Ascension into heaven. Acts was written after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to Heaven.  It is in Acts that we have the gifting of Holy Spirit to empower, teach, guide, and anchor us.  

Acts Chapter 2 details the moment when Holy Spirit descended and took up residence in the hearts of believers.  When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

But it is Acts 1:8 that is considered by most scholars as its key verse.  “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Pay attention.  The verse doesn’t say, “They will receive power.”  Nor does it say, “Someone will be my witnesses in Jerusalem.”  Nor does it say it “It is up to them to travel to Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

It says YOU.

You were given the power of Holy Spirit.  He lives in YOU.  And, yes, He also lives in they’s, them’s, and someone’s.  But the same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in you.  Read that sentence again – the same power.  It wasn’t put there to idly take up space.  It wasn’t placed tenderly inside of your heart so that you could cover it in fear and doubt.  So that you could toss it to “them” to do something with.  It was given to you and with that gift comes responsibility.  With that gift comes obedience.  With that gift comes a charge from Jesus to go into the world and be His witness.

The Bible is filled with courageous men and women who stood in faith against evil.  Who chose risk over comfort.  Who whispered truth when lies were screaming.  Men and women who walked through their fear and discomfort, resting in, and trusting the power of Holy Spirit.  Believers who held strong to the mantle of I am They.  I am Them.  I am Someone.

Satan has spent decades speaking lies.  He has used those who don’t know the love of Jesus to murder babies, to normalize perversion, to weaponize our legal system, to infiltrate our education system.  He has manipulated workplaces.  Media.  Entertainment.  And he has done so through people willing to take a stand.

And for too long, too many believers have sat idly by waiting for they, them, someone to do something.  Too many churches grew by entertaining their members rather than speaking the Word of God.  Tiptoeing around social and political issues rather than falling to their knees in prayer and repentance.  Setting up cafes rather than prayer rooms.

And too many of us were happy to sit quietly waiting for God to fix it.  

God is waiting for us.  God is waiting for us to embrace the full power of Holy Spirit.  To boldly profess our faith and speak the powerful truth of God’s Word to a world drowning in the lies of a carefully crafted plan.  To risk losing friends.  To risk losing jobs.  To risk losing family.  To risk being labeled.  To risk leaving your church.  To risk it all for the grace of Jesus Christ.

“But I’m scared.”  “But I’m not qualified.”  “But I don’t know what to say?”  “But I’m not strong enough.”  

But Mary when told she was carrying the son of God.
But Abraham when he was told to sacrifice Isaac.
But Moses when he was told to lead his people.
But David when he faced Goliath.
But Joseph when he was thrown in a pit by his family.
But Esther when she risked her life to save her people.
But Joshua when he brought down the walls of Jericho.

But God.

We have one life.  Given to us by the grace of our Father in Heaven.  There is a spiritual war. God needs warriors. He needs people willing to speak truth over the cacophony of lies. The world is filled with people who don’t know the love of Jesus. Who are waiting for someone to shine light in the darkness. To confront evil. To stand, not cower. To reach within the depths of their soul to release to unfathomable power of Holy Spirit.

God needs warriors.

Will it be you?  Or will it be them?

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