Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Let Me Choose You

Lord, too often I am drawn away by worldly temptation. I make choices that feel good. Or are accepted by this world. Lord, I want to choose You every time. I want to come to you for all things, in all things, trusting Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you, Jesus, for choosing to die that I might live. Let me use my life to honor You. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

6 thoughts on “Let Me Choose You”

  1. Pingback: Choices – Simply J.O.Y.

  2. This line resonates with me: “Too many the result of desires or wants without considering consequences.”

    I still struggle in sometimes rash decisions made without the right mind of thoughtful consideration. Not something I’m proud of and too often—at this stage of my life—regrettable. This is what I zeroed in on for concentration this Lenten season, already halfway through. I’m conscience of my lack of progress yet hopeful that being mindful of this will help me in giving thoughtful consideration before I act.

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