Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

From Puddle to Privilege

I woke up on Monday determined to face the week with gratitude.  I had a list of things I wanted to get done; the overachiever in me was excited to get started.  First on my list?  Get my dad’s Christmas decorations.  I kissed my husband goodbye as he headed to work and headed to the basement.  I was greeted by a puddle of water about 4 feet x 4 feet wide at the bottom of the basement stairs.  I raced up and caught my husband; we investigated as much as we could.  He left for work.  I called the plumber.  And in a split second, my gratitude was drenched along with the basement insulation.

Waiting for the plumber,  I grabbed my coffee and sat down to do my devotionals.  I start every morning with my devotional and praying scripture over my daughter.  Despite my anxiety about the leak, the costs associated, the inconvenience, the timing…I knew I needed to be in prayer.  Now, in the interest of honest disclosure, between calling the plumber and starting my prayer time, I cried and asked God why He was punishing me.  Why, of all times of the year; would He  allow this?!  How could He let this happen?  

I texted a few friends asking for prayers and, temper tantrum behind me, reminded myself that my God doesn’t use plumbing issues to punish people.  I started looking for the blessings.  It was a blessing that we found it now before it became something much worse.  We are blessed to have a plumber in whom we have confidence.  We are blessed to have an insurance agent who is responsive and honest about what will and won’t be covered (much to my chagrin).  And I am blessed with friends who are covering me in prayer.

So, I settled into my spot on the couch and began reading.  I was thinking how I’m almost done with this year’s book and how much I look forward to starting a new devotional every January.  It was then that my God spoke to my heart.  “Someone could benefit from your used devotionals.”   And just like that, He took captive my worries about earthly troubles and refocused my energy on eternal opportunities.

We attend a church in VA when we visit our daughter at college.  We love our VA family and the ministries they serve.  I knew immediately who God wanted me to bless.  I reached out to our Pastor, Eric, and asked if the women in the prison ministry would enjoy a devotional.  His response, “They would enjoy a devotional. They are so hungry for the Word.”   They serve 50-70 women each time the visit the prison.  

I share this with you because in the midst of our challenges, we can become so singularly focused on ourselves we forget there are others facing far greater obstacles.  And despite our disappointments and setbacks, God is always ready to use us.  Today, He placed on my heart a desire to give hope to women who many have forgotten about.  And all with something I’d likely throw on a shelf or maybe donate to a local library.  I knew that if I had extra devotionals, others did as well.  He gave me the privilege to help. The privilege to be used. I posted on social media and as I write this blog, I am believing God is going to provide devotionals for those women.  

All it takes for someone to come to know Jesus is a seed to be planted.  Decades ago, someone spoke truth into my life and planted a seed that led to my relationship with Jesus.  A seed that sprouted into a faith that allows me trust (once the temper tantrum is over) my God in all my circumstances.  Even the wet ones.  A seed that is meant to be scattered.  A promise that is meant to be shared.  The deep love of a Father that everyone deserves to know.

So, if you are reading this blog, thank you.  Thank you for spending time with me.  Thank you for allowing me into your life and on your faith journey.  And now, I’m asking for your help.  If you have any used devotionals, or would like to purchase a new one, that I can share with my VA church, please email me at  I will find a way to get them into the hands of these women who are so hungry for the Word of God.  These women who live in circumstances we cannot imagine.  Women who find hope and gratitude in the most challenging circumstance.  Women who are deeply loved by the same God who would nudge my heart, in the middle of a watershed (literally), and bless me with the privilege of planting a seed.  A seed that the Master Gardener will water and bring to blossom.

I always say God has a sense of humor. And I can imagine Him grinning as He took my unwanted water and captured it for the living water that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From a puddle on my basement floor, to the privilege of sharing the healing water of Christ. And that, my friends, is worth every drop of water I mopped up.

2 thoughts on “From Puddle to Privilege”

    1. YAY! I am so excited to send whatever I can collect. I wish I could deliver them in person but that won’t happen. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!!

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