Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Leave the Scars

A friend and I were talking about scars today.  I have a six-inch scar on my left leg from a “state of the art” knee surgery 30 years ago.  It’s funny to think that they don’t even perform that surgery anymore and now to get the same result, I’d probably have a one-inch reminder.  We discussed our various surgeries and I’ve come to realize that the day God was handing out healthy joints, I must have been elsewhere.  From knee surgeries to shoulder surgeries to foot surgeries (my second coming next week), I have my share of scars.

Not all scars are visible.  Some of the deepest scars are the result of internal turmoil, struggles, anxiety, abuse.  The wounds that resulted from the trauma may have healed, but the reminder remains.  And for some, it is a daily struggle to look forward to Jesus and not backward on a journey that was less than ideal.

Thank goodness we serve a Savior who gets it.  A Savior who suffered ridicule, who was shunned, judged, betrayed.  And sometimes at the hands of those He trusted most.  Jesus understands what it means to ache to the very base of your being.  To want for any other outcome than what appears on the horizon. To wish there was a way to avoid the pain and suffering.  Yet knowing that the only way to true healing is to take God’s hand and take one step forward.

Even when it feels so awkward.  Even when you are sure your legs won’t hold you any longer.  Even when you don’t believe there is hope.  Even when you are sure your heart won’t ever trust again.  Even then.

There’s a quote I love.  I don’t know the author, “God doesn’t promise us a quiet journey.  Only a safe arrival.”   All of us face challenges and struggles on this earthly passage.  Some are simply the result of living in a fallen, broken world.  Some are the result of our own decisions.  But all can make us feel tired, fearful, and lonely.

Point of Grace is a wonderful Christian group that I had the blessing of hearing perform.  Their song, “Heal the Wound” is one of my favorites.  The refrain is “Heal the wound but leave the scar.  A reminder of how merciful you are.  I am broken, torn apart, take the pieces of this heart and heal the would but leave the scar.”  (Songwriters: Clint Lagerberg / Nicole Nordeman

Heal the Wound lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group, Capitol CMG Publishing, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.).   It is a beautiful song that reminds us not to forget all that Jesus has done for us; that even in our suffering, there is immense beauty.

Scars are truth.  They validate something that has been done.  Maybe that something was helpful, like my knee surgery.  Maybe that something was hurtful.  Regardless, the scar is the proof of those events.  The disciple Thomas earned his nickname “doubting Thomas” because when others were proclaiming they had seen Jesus after His crucifixion, Thomas did not believe them because he didn’t see Jesus himself.  In John 20:25, Thomas says, “Unless I see in His hands, the imprint of the nails and put my fingers into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”  He needed to see the scars.  Eight days later, Jesus appeared to the Disciples and Thomas.   “Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach here with your finger, and see My hands, and reach hear your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving but believing.’” (John 20:27)

Thomas’ reaction?  “Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘“My Lord and My God!’”  (John 20:28) The scars provided Thomas the proof he needed.  When his limited mind and skeptical heart wouldn’t allow him to believe His Savior lived, scars made him a believer. 

Whether your scars are visible to the world or hidden deep inside, let them bring you to the truth of Jesus Christ.  His scars are lifesaving.  His scars are all forgiving, all merciful, all graceful, all loving.  You need only to look to the scars on the body of our Savior to know that there is no trauma, no injury, no pain, no hopelessness that hasn’t been paid for on the Cross.  

If you think you can’t overcome.  You’re wrong.  If you think you will never be worthy.  You’re wrong.  If you think your scars, make you ugly.  You’re wrong.  If you think you’ll never find healing.  You’re wrong.  Your wounds are healed by the scars of Jesus.  

Will you doubt the Saviors’ power to restore?  Or will you believe in the Savior who chose wounds that you might forever find healing.

What scars do you have?  I encourage you to change how you view them.  They are a sign of healing.

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