Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Walk Forward

Walk Forward

For many, a new year means resolutions. Promises of changes to be made, habits to be broken, behaviors to be embraced.  But I look at New Years a little differently. I don’t make resolutions; instead I spend a little time reflecting on the past year and think about my hopes for the new one.  I want to share my thoughts with you and encourage you to take a little time for yourself to reflect before the demands of life capture your thoughts.

As the clock turns on 2022, I am leaving behind self-doubt and comparison.  My journey is uniquely mine.  God has created me in His image to carry out the plan He has designed for me.  My worth is not defined on whether I can do more reps than someone else at the gym.  It is not defined by my job title or my salary.  It is not defined by comparing myself to some facebook image of the perfect mom or wife.  My worth comes from my Lord and Savior.  I am enough.

I am leaving behind judgement.  Well, I’m really gonna try!  I know that God calls me to love those with whom I disagree.  To give grace to those whose values and beliefs are different than mine.  To pray rather than condemn.  It is hard to do this in the face of evil.  Jesus calls us to hate the behavior, not the people; for they are victims of the enemy – they are not our enemy.  So, I pray for the heart of Jesus because only love and light will drown out the darkness of the enemy.

I am leaving behind fear.  Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure.  Fear of not measuring up. Fear of letting people down.  Fear of not being good enough. Fear of dreaming.  Fear of success.  In the Bible, we are told 365 times to “not fear” or “not be afraid.” One for every day of the year.  I will embrace God’s word and assurances and will step out in faith.  I bind the lies of the enemy disguised as fear.

I walk into 2023 embracing the faithfulness of God.  I will lean into the promises of my Savior.  The sacrifice of Jesus.   The assurance of a life directed by a God who cherishes me.  I will trust His plan even when it doesn’t make sense.  Even when it seems overwhelming or impossible.  I will trust him to carry me when I am weak and to dance with me in celebration.  To cry with me in sadness and laugh with me in joy.

I will trust God with my finances.  This one is so tough for so many of us.  We waste money on materials things that pass and fade instead of investing into the Kingdom of God.  Whether in tithing or gifting, I will look to God first and honor Him with the blessings He has given me.  The truth is what we have is not ours. It is God’s.  We are simply caretakers.

I will make time for myself to sit quietly and refresh.  To breath in the beauty of life, the Word of God, the company of friends, the preciousness of family.  I will not feel guilty.  I will nap if I’m tired.  Wander when I want.  Play with abandon.  I will live fully this life God has blessed me with.

God has always spoken to me through nature and New Year’s eve was no exception.  As my family took a hike, we found ourselves on a trail that had downed limbs from a recent windstorm.  As we walked, we cleared away what we could, tossing them aside.   I heard God say to me, toss aside the disappointments of 2022.  Throw away the negativity, the unfulfilled promises from people who let you down, the sadness of plans that weren’t realized, the frustration, the anger.  I heard Him say, do not let them block the path I have for you in 2023.  Do not trip over worldly things that aren’t part of the life I have crafted just for you.  And as I stood at the midway point – before we walked back – I heard Him say, “Now we are ready to move ahead.”

We walked back on the path we cleared.  It was easier. It was smoother.  And it was symbolic.  I know that 2023 won’t be perfect. I know that I will face challenges.  We all will.  We will face loss, disappointment, sadness.  But when we face those things with God, the path will be easier.  The climb less arduous, the view more amazing! 

So, my brothers and sisters, my wish for you in 2023 is to let go of what bound you in 2022.  Toss it aside.  Don’t look back.  Instead, take the hand of Jesus and walk forward.  He has wonderful things planned for you.  He will use you if you let Him.  He will carry you when you need.  He will love you immensely and completely. 

My mom’s favorite verse was Isaiah 41:10:  “Do not fear for I am with you.  Do not be afraid for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and keep you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 

I can’t think of a better promise for an amazing new year.

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