Simply J.O.Y.


Simply Jesus Over You

Electing to Stand

As I write this blog, it is election day.  If you are at all like me, one of the biggest benefits of election day is that the nasty, divisive ads will finally be off the television.  Your phone will stop ringing with recorded messages from candidates.  And your mailbox will be free from glossy flyers that focus less on issues and more on personal attacks.

And while I promise this isn’t a political post, I do want to talk a little about our role as Christians and  government.  Government, not politics.  What I described above is politics.  God established governments. Romans 13:1 says, “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.”  Theologian E.F. Harrison calls Romans 13:1-7 “the most notable passage in the New Testament on Christian civic responsibility.

Too often, this verse and the passage, is taken out of context to imply that Christians are to obey worldly governments and laws, even when they go against the Word of God.  It is important to know that the word used by Paul is submit.  The Greek word hupo-tasso translated as “be subject” literally means to “arrange stuff respectfully in an orderly manner underneath.”  The word for obey, which is how many people interpret this passage is hupo-kouo which literally means “to conform, to follow a command.” Paul chose the word submit.  Not obey.

God is endorsing the goodness of government; in its proper role.  We know, as did Paul, that not all leaders are Godly leaders.  Too often, power, ego, personal agendas, monetary gain, cause individuals to govern not from a place of God, but a place of selfish ambition and worldly gain.  Just read Kings 1 and Kings 2 and you will sadly learn that evil leaders outweighed the good.

We are not called to follow ungodly leaders, laws, or mandates.  But in standing up against them, we must be prepared to face the consequences of our time.  Paul and Peter were jailed for choosing Godly truth over worldly laws.  And they suffered the consequences. 

When I get to heaven, I think one of the questions I will ask God if I’m allowed that honor, is “Why did you allow evil to govern?”  I don’t know the answer.  But I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that God loves us so much He gave us free will.  And while what we do with that will may disappoint Him, He still wishes for us to come to him freely with a heart devoted to Him.  That means some will choose evil.  Some will choose to reject the sacrifice of Jesus.  And some will follow evil out of ignorance, fear, or misunderstanding.

Being a Christian is not the easy path.  It has never been.  If you are expecting an unobstructed path to heaven, you are going to be disappointed.  We will face obstacles.  We will face judgement.  We will face situations where we are called to choose the world or God.  And the consequences of that choice may be unpleasant and may cost us deeply.  But, my sweet friends, if the government forbids what God commands, or commands what God forbids…God’s commandments and His Word always take precedence over human authority. 

For example, Daniel’s friends—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—chose to disobey King Nebuchadnezzar and face being burned alive rather than worship idols. When Nebuchadnezzar forbade his subjects to pray to anyone but himself, Daniel openly disobeyed.

So, as I sit here on election night, praying for Godly men and women to be elected, I know that ultimately, whatever the outcome, I must trust God’s commandments.  I must trust God to use the results for His glory and purpose.  To expose evil.  To bring awareness.  To soften the hearts of those looking for meaning and purpose. 

I must be ready to stand in the gap. I must be courageous.  I must be prepared to stand up for God’s Word when it is unpopular in the world.  To stand up for God when it brings judgement against me.  To stand up for God’s laws when earthly laws contradict the only truth – the Bible.  To be prepared for the consequences because nothing in this world is as important as honoring my Father in Heaven. 

Jesus sacrificed His life that I might live.  I choose to live for God.  I choose to strive everyday to be light in a world the enemy wishes to cloak in darkness.  Even when it is hard.  I hope you’ll join me.

Are you prepared to stand for God?  No matter what?

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