Heavenly Father, you call me to forgive because you forgave me. The sacrifice God the Father made so that I could walk with you and live in His grace and mercy is humbling. I am so grateful for your gift of salvation and for taking the burden of my sin. Why then, Jesus, do I find it so hard to let go of the hurts inflicted on me by others? Why do I wait for repentance which may not come. Why do I not choose grace? Why do I choose to carry the lies and sins of others allowing them to seep into my being. Jesus, free me from holding on to past hurts and wounds. Let me release them into your hands. Break the chain of resentment and fear and justification of anger. Instead, bring me courage to let go and know that in doing so, You’ll bring me peace. Jesus I pray for all those who have hurt me. I forgive them and release them to you. In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.
Let me Show Grace