Lord Jesus, your Peace is all around me. God’s handiwork engulfs me. Let me see it. Let me see his love and miracles in the fabric of my creation. The breeze in the trees. The bloom of the flowers. The laugh of a loved one. Remove any selfish focus on my completed tasks. Let all I do be in gratitude and with stewardship for your blessings. Put on my heart the desire and commitment to stop and make time to embrace you. To hold your hand and walk in the love and grace of the Father. Forgive me when I’ve made it about me. Forgive me when I was more concerned with celebrating my own achievements that I ignored You. Give me humility. Let me bring light into all situations and be a beacon of hope in a world so often cloaked in darkness. I know that You prevail and evil will one day be forever defeated. Let me be an instrument in that battle Lord and not a weapon of the enemy. In Jesus Name I pray in humble gratitude. Amen.