Lord, forgive us for relegating you to compartments in our lives. Forgive our limited view of who You are what You desire from us. You want nothing more than to sit and talk. To laugh with us. To cry with us. To encourage us. To convict us. To love us. We have missed out on so many opportunities to come into fellowship with You because we’ve chosen to rely on our earthly relationships rather than engaging in the heavenly gift of friendship with You. Remind us that we don’t need fancy words or a degree in theology to talk with You. You know our hearts. You know our future. You know the mistakes we’ve made and those that lie ahead. You first stretched out your arms for us on the cross at Calvary. You continue to open your arms to hold us and love us. Send Holy Spirit to help us when the words won’t come. And let us never forget the power of sitting quietly repeating your precious name when the words won’t come. I commit to You today to spend time on our friendship. To make You my “go to.” To lay down my life for You. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.
What a Friend We Have in Jesus