Had I started this blog in January, it would have made perfect sense that this is my first post. But plans don’t always work out. God’s timing, however, always does. I think it fitting my first blog is saying good-bye to those things I don’t want to carry into this new chapter of my life. In next week’s blog, I will share my commitments for 2022.
I’ve filled three journals this year. And, if I took the time to read over them, I’d see a lot of blessings and a lot of struggles. I’d see joy and I’d see sadness. I’d see peace and I’d see frustration. And, what I am learning, is that what I see…is life.
Jesus tells us that we will face struggles and sadness and trials. John 16-33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I spent so much time in 2021 reacting to the world instead of living in Jesus. I heard a great piece of advice: Pay attention to what you pay attention to. I pay far too much attention to worldly things and how I am going to be perceived and far too little resting in the person Jesus created me to be; knowing that as long as I am in relationship with him, there is nothing to worry about. That includes the difficult times and the sad times and the times when my daughter is struggling or my husband is frustrating. While I FEEL these things, I don’t need to dwell in or worry through them. I need to REST in the peace that is Jesus and trust that He is in control and no matter what happens, He holds me and directs my life, the lives of those I love. He alone knows the future. And He walks before me.
So, 2021, here are some things you can keep. I don’t plan to carry them into 2022. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m not a quitter.
1. The enemy. I will no longer arm the enemy with my worry or my fear. He is weak and desperate. His only power comes from what I give him. In place of fear, I give him Jesus. In place of worry, I give him Jesus. In place of control, I give him Jesus.
2. Speaking of control…this is tougher. I release the false narrative that I am in control. Control is defined as “the power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events.” Guess what? We aren’t that powerful. In place of control, I embrace preparation through Jesus. I want to be ready to be used by Jesus. I want to get my heart and mind focused on Jesus so that when He wants to use my gifts and abilities, I will be ready. I need to admit that I sometimes justify control as being responsible. There is a difference. I can be responsible. Prepared. Careful. And, I can influence situations. But when I influence them for my own sense of control, I am not walking with Jesus. I want to walk with and for Jesus.
3. Lies. You can keep the lies I tell myself about my intentions or my right to be frustrated, angry, unforgiving. The lies I believe about the world or its power. I replace it with truth and honestly. Even when it hurts.
4. Anger. You can have the overwhelming anger that comes from injustice or not getting my way or what I want. I can be a spoiled brat and become indignant when I feel people or circumstances are unfair or people I love are being hurt or don’t have an easy road. The mama bear in me is ferocious. And while protecting those you love is admirable, anger should not be the only tool in my arsenal. I replace anger with discernment. Let me know when to be angry with purpose and when to reign in spoiled wrath.
5. The past. I confronted a lot about my past this year. So, now it is time to let it go and not allow it to define who I am today and who I will be tomorrow. I leave the negative and keep the positive. I am grateful for the things I’ve learned and the strength I’ve developed. Even though it isn’t the path I might have picked had I had the wisdom or ability to choose different. I replace the past with hope for a future that embraces joy and opportunity.
What do you need to leave behind? It isn’t too late to write your own good-bye letter to the past. Pray that God would speak to your heart and show you what is keeping you from finding J.O.Y.
Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time with me today!
A substantive, authentic message I can easily relate to in my life. I love the conversational tone that feels like we are having coffee together!❤️
Beautiful and insightful. Thank you for sharing! ♥️
This is so beautifully written and I resonate completely! The enemy certainly tries daily to tear us down and then laugh at us…but God is stronger and greater …He is, was and always will be. I’m choosing to say goodbye to anger and fear …thank you friend for sharing yourself and encouraging me today 💜🙏
God has certainly blessed you with a beautiful way of expressing His love for every detail of our lives. Thank you for following His prompting of putting these words in print. I pray we can look back at these words as a reminder when the enemy gets in our head. Love you, dear friend💞